February 4, 2008 at 10:00 AM

Wow, the Giants actually did it. I thought the Patriots would just walk over the Giants. As a result my wallet is a little lighter..ok ok a lot lighter. It was a great game and the Giants simply played better. Eli Manning played a good game... maybe great but the real deciding factor was the front 7 of the Giants. GIVE THE DEFENSIVE LINEMAN some respect! One of those guys should have got the MVP for the game. Now you get to hear all the bandwagoners tell you they KNEW the GIANTS would win. PUT YOUR MONEY WITH YOUR MOUTH IS. SHOW ME YOUR DAMN WINNING TICKET. Anyway time to "make" some money back on the Pro Bowl eh eh?
Man A: do u have j holidays new cd
Man B: yeah, you want to borrow it? cause i'm not going to burn another dood an r and b album